After running db2stop, it gives error message: the database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.
login as db2inst1,run
1. db2 list application show detail
2. db2 force application all
3. db2stop
The database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.7.
4. ipclean
5. db2admin stop if you started db2admin
6. kill -9 `ps –ef | grep db2inst1 | awk '{print "kill –9 "$2}'`
ps –ef | grep db2inst1 to make sure output is nothing.
8. ipcs –am | grep db2inst1
if any, kill them: e.g. $ ipcrm –m 9478
9. ipcs –as | grep db2inst1
if any , kill them also. e.g. $ ipcrm –s 1900
10. ipcs –aq | grep db2inst1
if any, kill them also e.g. $ ipcrm –q 13233
11. ipcs –a | grep db2inst1
Verify that there are no defunct interprocess
12. db2start
13. db2admin start
14. db2 activate database abc